

Potato and Bulgur Lettuce Wraps | Oil-Cured Baby Eggplant Salad



Big Game Bash Series, Part II of Three: Super Bowl Party Main Dishes


Game on! From sliders and pulled pork to hearty sandwiches; hot dogs and chili to tacos and pizza.  We have you covered, whether you are sticking with traditional fare or refashioning the classics.



In The Kitchen, Five Impromptu Colorful Winter Salads


Recipe: Red Wheat Berries Salad with Beets, Watercress and Goat Cheese Tossed in Clementine Vinaigrette


Wheat berries are unprocessed kernels of wheat with just the husk removed, hence reserving all the grain goodness.  I love using hard spring or winter red grains because of their nutty flavor and chewy texture, for the fact that they don’t lose their shape throughout the cooking process and that they taste even better the longer they sit in the dressing.


Herbed Green Olive, Pomegranate and Walnut Salad Recipe


Herbed green olive, pomegranate and walnut salad.  Is this a salad or a relish?  I always find myself asking that.  I think it can go either way, because it is equally delicious when served with bread.

Super easy.  All you have to do is grab a handful of firm green olives, preferably a variety with a slight bitterness to it, and combine it with some fresh herbs, pomegranate arils, and walnuts.  The dressing is made with essential ingredients commonly found in the cuisine of Armenia, the Levant and surrounding regions.



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